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Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester

Chasing powder: Meet Sofia and Jacob

Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester

With life mottos of “YOLO” and “Why Not”, it’s fair to say that Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester are a couple with a shared sense of adventure. Together they are travelling around Europe in their campervan, “Score 2.0”, kitted out with a variety of Dometic gear to keep them comfortable and energized for adventure.

Where are you from?       

Sofia: We’re from Stockholm, Sweden.

Who or what inspired you to start your mobile lifestyle?              

Sofia: Probably, Jacob. When I met him, I was very focused on school and a career and he showed me you really don't need the most amazing career to be happy.

Jacob: My parents got me out in nature at an early age. We used to go camping and I started skiing before I can even remember. These days, to get the most out of skiing, I realized I need to be mobile and chase the best snow on any given day. So, getting my first camper about 7 years ago opened up a whole new world for me.

What Dometic gear do you have? And how has it helped you?     

Sofia: We are in the middle of building our second campervan since our old one broke down just before the New Year. Our whole electricity system, except the solar panels, is from Dometic as well as the battery bank that we are very stoked on! We also have Dometic kitchen appliances, windows, spotlights and a safety box. All these products really make our campervan so much more enjoyable and comfortable.

Jacob: Yeah, the electrical system in the van is great: our DCDC charger, MCA charger and Sine inverter, to the battery bank itself and the double eStore 100Ah that keeps everything running. In the kitchen, our Dometic stovetop and wash basin, as well as a 65-liter refrigerator are all essentials. Out on adventures, the insulated drinking flask keeps my beverages cold, and it's actually one of my favorite products!

What is your favorite memory from out on your adventures?       

Sofia: Waking up in a campervan on a remote spot in Western Australia and seeing humpback whales jump out of the water with barreling waves just on in front of them

Jacob: A few years back, Sofia and I were parked up in front of a beautiful beach in northern Norway. In the morning, the swell had just started rising but the waves weren’t quite there yet, so I decided to go skiing first. Right behind our van was a beautiful, 900-meter-high mountain with a sustained steep snow slope winding through the rock bands from the summit all the way to our parking spot. I climbed it and skied it in perfect spring powder snow, and as I made it back to the beach the waves had grown and was now perfect head high peelers with not a person out. Needless to say, I had an amazing afternoon and ended up surfing deep into the night with the late May sun still up until just before midnight. Days like that remind me why I chose this lifestyle!

Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester
Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester
Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester
If you could only pack the three most essential things to take with you on a trip, what would this be?     

Sofia: Except essentials for traveling like passport and money I would say a digital camera, analog camera and comfortable shoes

Jacob: A surfboard, a camera and a guitar.

What is one product we don’t have that you wish we made?        

Jacob: Dometic Solar panels!

Dometic: Well, you’ll be pleased to see this Jacob: Solar panels

What are your go-to songs or artists for road trips? 

Sofia: I love a Swedish band called Kite. Also, I think post rock music, such as Sigur Ros and Mogwai, makes for perfect road trip music.

Jacob: Instrumental music is my favorite for long drives. Post-rock like Mogwai or Sigur Ros, or deep house like The Blaze, Christian Loeffler or Rival Consoles!


Sofia has a Master of Science in media technology but during her studies realized that she wanted to do something else. So now she works full-time as a videographer and photographer, mainly working in the ski and outdoor industry.

Sofia Sjöberg and Jacob Wester