Terms & Conditions
1. Introduction, agreement and scope
Thank you for downloading the Dometic Climate App (“the app”). Please review these terms and conditions carefully before you start using the application and the related connectivity services.
By downloading or otherwise using the app an agreement is entered into between you and Dometic Group AB (“Dometic”), Reg. No. 556829-4390, Hemvärnsgatan 15, 171 54 Solna, and your use of the app and the connectivity services provided by Dometic are subject to these terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions are applicable to the app itself, and to the connectivity services provided by Dometic through the app. However, please note that any hardware to the app is covered by the separate terms and conditions provided when purchasing the hardware/vehicle, and not by these terms and conditions.
For information on the processing of personal data, please refer to Dometic’s Privacy Policy, available in the app. Additionally, the local Dometic entity in your jurisdiction may have access to certain of your personal data and usage data in the app. Further detail about the applicable privacy and data protection regime in your local jurisdiction, and your rights, is available from your local Dometic entity.
2. General information
If you download the app and register a personal account (as described below) Dometic is, on these terms and conditions, willing to provide you with the right to use this app and the connectivity services.
The app is designed for remote interaction with your Dometic products. Your product’s settings and status can be controlled and monitored from the app at your convenience.
3. Basic requirements for use
The license to the app is free of charge.
To get access to all the services in the app, including over the air update, you can register a personal account and connect one or several product(s). To create an account, enter your e-mail address and select a password in the app. Subsequently you will be requested to activate the account by following the instructions in the confirmation email sent to you in connection with the registration process.
Dometic does not guarantee that the app will be or remain compatible with a particular mobile device. In addition, you may need to keep your mobile device’s software updated to continue accessing the app.
4. Your responsibilities
You are responsible for keeping your personal credentials and log in information up-to-date and secure from unauthorized access. You are responsible for taking preventive measures and actions to protect your IT systems (including the device on which you have installed the app) from viruses or other harmful content when using the app and the connectivity services. We recommend that you immediately notify Dometic if there is a discrepancy or incorrect data detected in the information available in the application/services or if you identify any virus or corruption.
Notwithstanding anything set out herein, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, Dometic expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any modifications made to your products by you or by third parties.
If you allow other people to use your app or to connect to your products, you confirm and agree that you are fully responsible for such use. This means that you also take full responsibility for other users’ actions and omissions, and that other users violations of these terms and conditions will be deemed to constitute an infringement committed by you.
Under no circumstances shall you use the app or the connectivity services in a manner that violates good practices or applicable laws or regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property rights and privacy laws.
You have the responsibility to use the app and the connectivity services with care and precaution. It is your responsibility to only use functions in the application when you are certain that this does not entail a risk for damages to property or persons. For example, do not turn on a device in the vehicle using the app without making certain that it is safe to do so.
5. Availability
While Dometic endeavours to ensure that the app and the connectivity services are normally available 24 hours a day, Dometic shall not be liable if, for any reason, the application or the services are unavailable at any time for any period. Access to the application and the connectivity services may be suspended temporarily and without notice in case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for other reasons.
Dometic makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the functionality or accessibility of the application and the connectivity services or that the application or connectivity services are provided error-free.
6. Changes of these terms and conditions
Dometic may from time to time and in its discretion make changes to these terms and conditions. The latest revision date is stated at the end of the document. It is your responsibility to check the terms and conditions from time to time for updates. When Dometic makes revisions of the terms and conditions that it considers material, Dometic will inform you by way of a notification in the app. You will have no obligation to continue using the application following any changes to the terms and conditions, but if you continue to use the application after any changes it will constitute your acceptance of the changes.
7. Disclaimer regarding information and material published by Dometic
While Dometic endeavours to ensure that the information in the application published by Dometic or any of its subsidiaries is correct, Dometic does not make any warranties or undertakings of any kind in relation to the information and material, including but not limited to the accuracy and completeness of the information and the material. Dometic may make changes to the information and material provided in the app at any time and without notice. The information and material in the application may be out of date, and Dometic makes no commitment to update such information and material.
Accordingly, Dometic provides you with access to the app and the connectivity services on the basis that Dometic excludes all representations and warranties, conditions and other terms (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill) in relation to the application and the connectivity services, to the maximum extent permitted by law.
8. Intellectual property rights, license etc.
All intellectual property rights to the app and the connectivity services, and their content (including but not limited to any software), are owned by Dometic or its licensors. Unless permitted by these terms and conditions, you will not be granted any rights in or to such intellectual property rights.
Dometic grants you a limited license to access and use the app and the connectivity services under these terms and conditions. This license is provided as a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable license. The license is provided to you as an individual user, unless otherwise expressly permitted under these terms and conditions.
Unless and to the extent permitted by law, you may not decompile, reconstruct, attempt to derive the source code, modify, or create edits of the app or the connectivity services and their content. Violation of this limitation or failure to comply may result in the termination of these terms and conditions without prior notice from Dometic. You may also be subject to legal action and liability.
All rights to trademarks, company logos, domain names and symbols of Dometic or Dometic licensees’ intellectual property rights used or linked in the app or the connectivity services belong to their respective owners, and all rights to them are reserved.
9. Limitation of liability
To the extent not prohibited by mandatory law;
(a) in no event shall Dometic, any of its subsidiaries, their officers, directors, employees or shareholders, be liable for any amount or any kind of loss or damage that you or any third party may incur (including without limitation, any direct, indirect, punitive or consequential loss or damage, or any loss of income, profits, and whether in tort, contract or otherwise) in connection with your use of the application or the connectivity services in any way, or in connection with the inability to use or the results of the use of the application or the connectivity services.
(b) you agree that your sole and exclusive remedy for any problems, losses, costs or dissatisfaction caused by the use of the app and/or the connectivity services is to de-register from the application.
10. Term and termination of the agreement
These terms and conditions apply as long as your account in the app is active or as long as Dometic decides to make the application and the connectivity services available.
You may terminate this agreement by deleting your user account in the app and the app itself, or by manually advising Dometic to delete your user account.
Dometic may terminate this agreement and/or your account immediately in case of a violation of these terms and conditions. Dometic may also terminate this agreement and/or your account for convenience by giving 30 days prior written notice.
11. Applicable law
Unless otherwise required by mandatory provisions under applicable consumer legislation, these terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with Swedish law.
Revision date: August 2023