Dometic PerfectWall Adapter 009

Dometic PerfectWall Adapter 009

Wall awning adaptor for Dethleffs Globebus
£ 189

This Dometic adaptor ensures your awning fits to your motorhome wall perfectly, every time.

Bespoke for Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer and Citroën Jumper H3

Made for PW 1100 and PW 1500 wall awnings

5.0 m full length

No water infiltration between vehicle and awning

Dometic PW1500 Adapter (for Standard, Dethleffs Globebus, Knaus C-Liner) - Installation Manual EMEA(zxx)

Installation Manual


Dometic PW1100, PW1500, PW3800 Chausson/Arca - Installation Manual AMER, APAC, EMEA(zxx)

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