How do I prevent condensation inside my awning?

Under certain conditions, all awnings will suffer from internal condensation.

Condensation is created by moist warm air coming into contact with a cool surface. This moisture condenses creating water. Depending upon the conditions, condensation could be quite severe and is commonly mistaken for leaking, especially as it can run down the inside of the roof and drip off ties, tapes and other internal fittings. Most condensation occurs in the off-season – early Spring, Autumn, Winter.

Primary causes of condensation are:

  • Moisture in the ground
  • Moisture in the air
  • The weather
  • People sleeping in the awning
  • An adult can easily produce 1L of water over 12 hours through breathing
  • Heaters being used in the awning
  • Cooking in the awning
  • Exhaust vents from the vehicle into the awning
  • Wet items – coats, jackets, towels or even wet dogs
  • Rainfall – it is not uncommon for condensation to occur from rainfall
    Cold rain can rapidly lower the materials temperature whilst the temperature remains warm inside the awning. The warm air comes into contact with the cold material condensing and creating condensation.

Reduce condensation by:

  • Avoiding pitches on wet ground
  • Maintaining good ventilation
  • Turning off heaters used in the awning
  • Not storing wet items inside the awning
  • Using a non-breathable waterproof groundsheet
    This stops the moisture coming from the ground condensing within the awning and is the most effective way to negate condensation.

Roof linings are also available for many of our awnings, this accessory helps reduce condensation by regulating the temperature inside the awning, catching any drips that fall from the roof and allowing the water to dissipate when conditions improve.

Dometic awnings using Weathershield™ All-Season material will experience reduced condensation, this is a breathable material more suited to out of season caravanning.