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DMS Cloud

DMS Cloud

Web-based solution for minibar operations

The DMS Cloud system offers increased efficiency of labor at both the front end, in-room entry process and the back-end reporting and reconciliation process thereby reducing labor costs associated with running a minibar operation. Dometic’s cloud-based software simplifies all aspects of management for your hotel’s minibar program.

A web-based solution for minibar operations at any sized hotel.

The DMS Cloud system offers increased efficiency of labor at both the front end, in-room entry process and the back-end reporting and reconciliation process thereby reducing labor costs associated with running a minibar operation. Dometic’s cloud-based software simplifies all aspects of management for your hotel’s minibar program.

System advantages

The DMS Cloud system offers users a simple and easy-to-use interface, and is compatible with most IOS and Android devices. Seamlessly manage all aspects of your minibar in-room point of sale, including direct posting of consumption and purchases into the hotel Property Management System and supplying concise reports that allow the hotel to:

  • Reduce stock losses
  • Increase in-room retail profitability
  • Optimize in-room refilling operations
  • Cost-effective

DMS Cloud saves labor by improving attendant efficiency and adds additional point-of-sale opportunities to your existing minibar program compared to older hardware-based solutions. No proprietary handheld devices are required, no dedicated server or clients to install and maintain, and no dedicated apps to download and install - just login to the DMS Cloud website and start posting charges!

System content

For management, the DMS Cloud website is used to pull reports and easily add or modify minibar program contents, such as:

  • Floors - add, delete or create zones
  • Rooms - add or delete
  • Staff - add or delete, change permissions, modify logins and passwords
  • Categories - add or delete
  • Menu items - add or delete, change costs, taxes or prices
  • Article listing - provide an accurate listing of all current and past articles
  • Guest menu - print a refreshment center guest menu from the


Widely used reports for monitoring your minibar program and point of sale activities are available on the DMS Cloud website. Run reports for the current day or the length of time you specify. These reports include:

  • Room sales report – shows detail of sales for all rooms, including room number, guest initial or folio, items sold, quantity, price, and total sales
  • Attendant sales report – shows total sales by attendant
  • Attendant productivity report – shows total rooms visited, time from first transmission to last transmission, and average time per room
  • Article sales report – shows total sales for each article per day or any selected period