Dometic PerfectWall Adapter 009

Dometic PerfectWall Adapter 009

Wall awning adapter for Dethleffs Globebus
205 €
Sold in our dealer network

This Dometic adapter ensures your awning fits to your RV wall perfectly, everytime.

Tailor-made for Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer and Citroën Jumper H3

Made for PW 1100 and PW 1500 wall awnings

5.0 m full length

No water infiltration between vehicle and awning

Dometic PW1500 Adapter (for Standard, Dethleffs Globebus, Knaus C-Liner) - Installation Manual EMEA(zxx)

Installation Manual


Dometic PW1100, PW1500, PW3800 Chausson/Arca - Installation Manual AMER, APAC, EMEA(zxx)

Installation Manual
