Dometic CFX app

Dometic CFX app

FAQs and fix & tricks for the Dometic CFX app


Frequently asked questions about the CFX app.

Battery protection level set

Select between one of three battery protection levels:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Lid open alert

A lid open arrow will appear and the image lid moves upward when the lid is open.

Temperature alarm

Set to one of the two optional limits and your device will sound or vibrate (depending on device type) if the alarm limit is exceeded.

Turning off a single compartment on a dual zone model

On two compartment models, either compartment can be turned off

Press the compartment to be turned off on the CFX cooler image. Outline of the off compartment will change from green to red.

To turn back on, press the red outlined off compartment which will then change back to green.