How to power my cooler?

Is it okay for you to run your cooler “only” from the 12 or 24-volt vehicle battery? Would you like a 230-volt mains option as well? Or are you one of those camping enthusiasts who prefer cooling with gas? The Dometic cooler range accounts for all these energy options. Compressor units can even be run with solar power – a plus factor you should exploit when travelling in the sunny south a lot.

If gas operation is all-important to you, absorption cooling is your system of choice. Dometic compressor coolers excel for their energy-efficient operation. Integrated battery protection puts you on the safe side when the unit is powered via the vehicle battery. This feature is fitted as standard on all Dometic compressor boxes as well as the thermoelectric coolers of the TCX series.

Absorption technology: 12 volts / 230 volts / gas.

Thermoelectric technology: 12 volts / 24 volts / 230 volts.

Compressor technology: 12 volts / 24 volts / 100 – 240 volts.

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