How do I identify the part number of my airpole?

AirFrame awnings consist of a network of interconnected AirPoles which can be isolated and removed, if required, for testing or replacement. 

The inflatable frame of a Dometic Air Awning consists of three layers. The outer sleeve, as seen from inside the awning, this is stitched into the awning itself and cannot be removed. Within this is the removable sleeve (pictured) and the internal inflatable bladder. 

When replacing a removable sleeve or inflatable bladder, you will need to identify the part number. The part number is printed on to the white label stitched onto the protective Velcro wrap-around located at the end of the AirPole. In the example below the part number is D400-1 from 2019.


Removable sleeve

When ordering the part from a Dometic retailer or from Dometic Customer Services, you will need to quote this part number and state if you require the inflatable bladder, the removable sleeve or both.


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